Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A New President; Same Old Congress

While the nation overwhelmingly chose Obama over the candidate from the incriminated party, they didn't seem to find anything wrong with rewarding a Democratic Congress which contributed heavily to the current financial crisis. Clearly, President Bush and by extension, the GOP, is responsible for anything unpleasant that happened in the last 8 years. Just like Clinton was responsible for balancing the budget and pushing through welfare reform in his 8 years, despite his efforts to squash the GOP bills that brought this off - it's only fair.

To Obama's declaration, "What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility," I can only say, Amen. If anything bad happens, the Democrats will have to take the blame. Or, (aha!) they can just attribute the mess to leftovers from the last time Republicans were in charge! Problem solved.