Monday, February 18, 2008

When Will We Grow Up?

The activities of Jack Thompson are an important step in the right direction. But why stop with the kids? Violence as entertainment is as degrading and morally destructive for a 10-year-old as it is for a 20-year-old. Consumers ought to unite on a personal and a government level to ban so called “mature” video games from homes entirely. After all, you’re never old enough to destroy yourself … or others.

Link to the article:
Suing the Suer: Video Game Company Sues Jack Thompson


PanicButton42 said...


You would have our government legislate what is "best" for the people?

You would encourage censorship because there are minority of people who can't seem to take personal responsibility for their actions?

Sarah said...

I agree entirely with you, chessfan.

Daniel said...

I appreciate the comments; I'll answer by posing a situation that may help people better understand where I am coming from. Suppose someone decides to buy a gun and shoot themselves. At what point should the government intervene, if at all? How important to your answer is the age of the would-be shooter? I made the argument that individuals should protect themselves, but I believe government does have an interest in protecting the moral climate of society.