Wednesday, May 14, 2008


A sole king sulking.

That’s “unheard dove."

The alphabet.


A handful.

A wishing well.

Use an elevator.

Because he was ‘poured’ and the food was ‘rich.’

Neither side. Roosters don’t lay eggs!

The puddle was out of sync, and the history book couldn’t keep up with the times, so only the
ruler was in line.

Disturbing the piece.

The fur, because he turned around and found a way (Wafer, get it?). The bee was too buzzy (busy), the rope got tied up with something, and the phone got hung up too many times.

They won’t know the answer because they are two egg ’n’ a runt.

“Time flies!” (Yeah, a little lame.)

A mew-sician.


A 2 E Z test!


Four, because the preschoolers don’t count yet.

Fast, because his feet didn’t break.

An environmentalist, because he sorts out all the bugs.

A “not-he” boy.

Because he is an heir. (isn’t here)

Cherry; pear. (Chair repair)

The spider, cause it has more eyes. (ice)

Because they are doubles. A double is twice as much as the number, which makes the number… have a fit. (Half of it, get it? }88{ )

Boxing, cause they always make a square deal; envelopes are sometimes obtuse.

An empty hole (M.T. whole)

They go into the median because they are two left. (too left)

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