Sunday, February 6, 2011

Come thou sinner unto Jesus

Recently, I finished the Book of Mormon and started again in 1 Nephi. Like every great classic carefully reviewed, there are new insights with each fresh pass. I found myself particularly touched by the message in 1 Nephi 6:4, where Nephi emphasizes our duty to come unto God.

My composing itch led me to the great hymn classic, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. If you have never taken the time to review its history, may I recommend wikipedia's summary of the hymn text and the author's life. I was interested to see the large number of revisions, as well as the poignant circumstances which led to the hymn's creation. These two starting points and a lot of help from the Fount of every blessing helped produce these lyrics. If they uplift and encourage you in your spiritual journey, I am well repaid.

1. Come thou sinner unto Jesus;
He awaits with open hands:
Come and take His yoke upon thee
And be loosed from Satan’s bands.
All eternity awaits thee,
Endless giving, endless life,
Let not worldly pleasures sate thee;
Give up all thy useless strife.

2. Rise up from receipt of customs,
Rise up from Damascus’ road,
Leave the nets of sin entangling,
For a better, lighter load.
Heed the call of Love made Human,
Take the gift He’s proffered long,
Let not worldly wealth entombing,
Keep thee from salvation’s song.

3. Lift thine eyes to see the stranger
Who thy hands might bring relief,
One kind word may save from danger,
And give peace in place of grief.
And for all that thou’st forsaken
By thy coming to the Lord,
If thy faith remain unshaken,
Hundredfold shall be restored.

Matt. 11:28-30; 19:21, 29; 25:40; Luke 5:27-28


Hoosier said...

I really like these lyrics. Maybe you could come up with an alternative melody, and have a great new hymn.

Kirsti said...

I, too, like the lyrics -- I couldn't help but sing them aloud to my boys, and they seemed to like them as well. I notably like the phrase "Love made human" -- it's a characterization of Christ that stays with me.

Daniel said...

Thanks for your supportive comments! There's nothing like a little appreciation to gladden the heart.