Monday, March 10, 2008

Society matters

I feel that most women avoid computer science for the same reason that most men avoid the humanities. It is tough to be a minority. You have to believe in what you do more strongly than the majority does. Women who pursue computer science must have a passion for computer science strong enough to overcome the social pressures that come with entering a male-dominated field. However, if enough women decide to nurture their talents in computer science, there’s no reason that the social landscape and accompanying pressures couldn’t change for the next generation.


Ruth said...

So how about spreading the word for more men to join the humanities program and break THAT social constraint, huh?

Daniel said...

See the title of my blog.

Ruth said...

Oh for Pete's sake. Didn't you just say all we had to do was decide to change our minds?

(i.e. if enough women decide to blah blah blah, there's no reason....couldn't CHANGE)